Welcome To Laser Therapy
What is Laser therapy?
Laser Therapy is a relatively new modality in the treatment against Fungal nails. Laser Nail technologies employs a 1064 Yag laser, currently considered the most effective and proven laser treatment for fungal nails.
How does laser therapy work?
Laser therapy has one crucial characteristic in effectively treating Fungal infections that traditional treatment modalities lack. The ability to penetrate the nail safely and without pain to get directly to the colonisation of fungal spores beneath the nail. This enables the laser to treat the condition far more effectively than both oral antifungals and topical antifungals.
The treatment generally takes 2 minutes per nail. The laser beam is passed over the nail administering a laser wavelength that penetrates through the nail, attacking the site of the fungal infection without causing pain or damage to surrounding skin and soft tissue. The treatment is associated with a warm sensation and the patient generally describes no major discomfort.
Why choose laser therapy?
Laser therapy treatment is quickly becoming the treatment of choice in managing fungal nail infections in Australia. This therapy first gained popularity in the United States approximately 5 years ago and is now considered by many U.S. physicians the gold standard in treating fungal nail conditions.
We believe the 1064Nd –Yag laser offers far greater advantages over traditional therapy of fungal nails as outlined in the table below
Contact Us
Address: 57 Glebe Road, The Junction NSW 2291
Phone: 1800 55 10 10
Email: admin@happyfeetpodiatry.net